Blessing NOT in disguise

Originally posted 4 June 2019…

Friends! This is my first ever blog – never did I imagine I would be writing a blog, let alone a book! God works in incredibly mysterious ways. I’ve been thinking a lot about what to write (and please send me ideas). I thought it would be fun to start off with an idiom each time. Here goes everything…

Blessing NOT in disguise

Some time ago, I was going through a rough time in life. Crazy unexpected life transition, new baby, lifelong dream unraveled before my eyes, and a child diagnosed with something that would be a challenge for the rest of his life. It was painful. But through the darkness, a close friend reminded me to count my blessings. I did, and I realized there were too many to count. And they were all right in front of me the whole time. My amazing husband, my adorable children, a great job with wonderful coworkers, awesome and supportive friends and family, neighbors that are so easy to love, and the promise that God would never leave me. And it didn’t stop there.

We often talk about blessings in disguise. I feel that it is just a matter of perspective. While all of my blessings seemed hidden initially, as soon as I opened my eyes and chose to see them, they were right in front of me. Never hidden, always there. When we moved back from Cameroon a few years ago, I often asked God what my purpose was because I had always thought serving overseas was just that. But that was stripped away. But isn’t it funny how God works? If we didn’t move back home, I am sure Isaiah and I would never have pursued this book project. And now, because of it, we can help so many other people understand God’s Word better. And that is just one more blessing no longer in disguise.

I challenge you, just as I was, to count your blessings. Choose to see your circumstances in a positive light. I bet you will also start to see that they are innumerable.


Back to the drawing board


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