Cover your bases


Originally posted 16 Oct 2019…

In our family, Chick-Fil-A has a special place in our hearts. I mean, the service is amazing. We’ve even picked up on some of their habits, like saying, “My pleasure” instead of “no problem”. Did you know the employees are specifically trained to say that? Even the smallest detail is looked at. But I digress. We were short on time and running around town prior to Isaiah’s soccer practice, so we stopped by Chick-Fil-A for dinner. One of their posters advertised that they are “Covering their bases,” with a bunch of nuggets placed in the shape home plate from baseball (yay, idioms!!). Isaiah asked if it was an idiom and what it actually meant, because putting a bunch of chicken on home plate would be ridiculous.

In baseball, someone on defense is always assigned to each base in order to keep the offensive team from scoring a run. If a base is not “covered,” then it can be stolen, or an opportunity to get the offensive runner out has been lost. It is a way to secure that the offensive team will not gain more points.

We use it idiomatically when we have prepared for every possible outcome in a particular situation. Us Type-A individuals tend to do this *too* well. We prepare for all of the “What ifs” that may come. When we pack for vacation, I have long sleeves, short sleeves, dresses, shorts, tennis shoes, sandals, extra undergarments, every possible over the counter (and several prescription) medications packed just in case someone gets sick. If somebody else forgot something, I typically have an extra they can use. I have covered all my bases, and some other people’s bases, too (yes, I know I have issues).

I have to admit that occasionally I get jealous of those who just get up and go. No overthinking or analyzing, no overpreparing, no worrying about every potential outcome… Don’t get me wrong, it is so satisfying being prepared. But there should be more of a balance. My dad always said, “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.” Do what you can to cover the bases you see, but don’t worry about the ones out of your view or those that simply can’t be reached. And never forget that God has already covered all of our bases for us.

In other words, God has got us covered. We should let go and let God.


5-Star Book Review from KidMin!


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