Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Originally posted 12 Aug 2019…
We sing this song at church on a regular basis. But seriously. Can you visualize this literally? The questions that follow…
Does the heart have eyes???
How do you open a heart? I thought only cardiac surgeons did that.
Doesn’t that make you die if you try to open a heart? It needs to be closed up again, right?
If I added this to my next book on idioms, I can only imagine the visual aid we’d draw. Yikes – a heart opening up like it has a mouth and eyes on it. Creepy. But maybe kind of cool….
At least this time the song goes on to explain itself:
I want to see You high and lifted up, shining in the light of Your glory. More figurative language, but probably easier to understand. (I originally typed grasp – then realized that would be yet another idiom…)
It is so easy to be blinded to God’s awesomeness with all that we have distracting us every day. Seeing God requires an emotional connection with and awareness of Him. How do we do this? We must be intentional. Choose to see how He shows us His glory. Spend time with him every day. Instead of just making it through to the end of the day, look for those precious moments, big or small, that God has given you. What’s that other idiom? Oh – stop and smell the roses. God created those for us to stop, smell, and reflect on His creation.
What are some of your precious moments?